nitriding furnace

Heat treatment

A true pioneer in the field of metal heat treatment, the THERMILYON group has been promising customized solutions for every metal part, covering a wide range of industrial sectors, for over 60 years.

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Heat treatment to improve the mechanical strength of your parts

The THERMILYON group's philosophy is based on a complete range of heat treatments, enabling customers to be guided objectively towards the most suitable process:
Through-hardening, surface induction hardening (high and medium frequency), surface thermochemical treatments for carburizing, carbonitriding, nitriding, nitrocarburizing (post oxidation), sulfonitrocarburizing, diffusion treatment for stainless steel.

The THERMILYON group also masters all heat treatment technologies:
- air
- induction
- controlled atmosphere
- vacuum technology
- low pressure
- ionic (or plasma)

These treatments are applied to mechanical parts produced by machining, casting, forging, stamping, additive manufacturing, etc.
Materials treated include steel, stainless steel, titanium, aluminum, copper and various superalloys.

Heat treatment benefits

Heat treatment is essential for the proper functioning of parts in a wide range of applications.

mechanical strength

Improved mechanical performance

Heat treatment significantly enhances the mechanical properties of parts, including hardness, wear resistance, fatigue resistance and seizure resistance.

Increase the life of parts

Optimizing service life

Heat treatment improves the mechanical properties of parts, and thus their service life. The parts produced can also be lighter and use less material and energy during production.

Ensuring long-term part reliability

Ensuring parts function properly

Without heat treatment, some parts simply cannot function. Choosing the right process for the part's environment is therefore essential to its proper functioning.

Our heat treatment solutions

Mass treatments
Thermochemical treatments
Surface hardening
Improved surface properties

Hardening is a mass treatment consisting of heating a part, then cooling it at a certain rate to modify the structure of the steel. As the part leaving the furnace is very hard, it becomes more brittle. Tempering is then applied to reduce brittleness and adjust hardness.

Quenching light alloys

Light alloys generally refer to aluminum-based alloys that require special structural hardening treatment.

Cementation / carbonitriding

Case-hardening is a treatment that diffuses carbon into the steel's surface layers to achieve very high surface hardness, while retaining good toughness at the core. In carbonitriding, nitrogen is added to the carbon.

Nitriding / Nitrocarburizing

Nitriding is the diffusion of nitrogen onto the steel surface, forming nitrides and hardening the surface. Carbon can also be diffused, in this case called nitrocarburizing.

Sulfonitriding / Sulfonitrocarburizing

Sulfonitriding is a nitrogen- and sulfur-based treatment. Based on nitriding, sulfur is injected to form iron sulfides and impart tribological properties to the surface. In sulfonitrocarburizing, nitrogen, carbon and sulfur are diffused (sulfur-doped nitrocarburizing).

Stainless steel processing

Stainless steels, commonly known as "inox", require special treatments to maintain their good properties. That's why Groupe ThermiLyon has developed a complete range of products adapted to these steels.

Complementary treatments

Surface treatments can be carried out to provide additional properties to other heat treatments.

High-frequency induction

Duplex treatment consists of superimposing a thermochemical treatment such as nitriding or carburizing, and a vacuum coating. The aim is to improve undercoat strength for better coating adhesion. Find out more about our vacuum deposition solutions.

The importance of quality control in heat treatment

Quality control plays a crucial role in ensuring that finished parts meet high performance and safety standards. This essential step ensures the reliability of parts in a wide range of industrial applications, from automotive to aerospace.


    °C : Maximum processing temperature


    HV: maximum hardness


    tonnes: Maximum weight of parts that can be processed


    metres: Maximum length of parts that can be processed


    Tests and checks carried out every year

    Our certifications

    ISO 13485
    ISO 13485 certification logo

    ISO 13485 establishes the criteria for the quality management system of an organization providing medical devices and related services in compliance with customer requirements and applicable regulations.

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    ISO EN 9100

    EN 9100 certification guarantees the quality management system requirements of the ISO 9001 series, and specifies additional definitions and notes for the aerospace and defense industry.

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    IATF 16949
    logo IATF 16949 certification dedicated to the automotive industry

    The IATF 16949 standard, dedicated to the automotive sector, establishes criteria for quality management processes, encouraging continuous improvement, defect prevention and the reduction of non-conformities and scrap within the automotive supply chain.

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    NADCAP Heat Treating
    logo nadcap heat treating

    NADCAP is an accreditation program for aerospace and defense subcontractors, designed to ensure the quality and reliability of products and services. This accreditation focuses on the special processes employed in the manufacture, testing and maintenance of components and systems used in these industries. Within the THERMILYON Group, NADCAP applies only to the special heat treatment process.

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    ISO 9001

    The ISO 9001 standard, widely recognized throughout the world, helps organizations improve their performance by meeting quality management system requirements and demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction.

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    See all our certifications
    parts undergoing ion nitriding treatment
    vacuum furnace at the thermi-lyon plant
    press-hardened part

      Our FAQs

      What is heat treatment?

      It's an operation that modifies the internal structure of an alloy to change its properties. In general, there are 3 phases: heating, holding at temperature and slow or rapid cooling (in this case called quenching).

      Why heat treatment?

      Either to improve mechanical performance such as tensile strength, impact strength, wear, seizure or to soften the metal to make it more malleable (machinability, shaping).

      When should a heat treatment be carried out?

      Heat treatment is required when the mechanical performance of the alloys in their natural state needs to be increased. Depending on the type of treatment, heat treatment can be carried out on raw, rough or finished machined parts.

      How is heat treatment carried out? 

      Heat treatment is carried out using furnaces. There are air, atmosphere, vacuum, plasma and induction furnaces.

      What are the main types of heat treatment?

      There are two main types: softening treatments to improve the shaping or machining of parts, modify or improve the metallurgical structure or defragilize certain mechanisms. Hardening treatments in the mass or on the surface to improve the mechanical performance of components.

      Why is heat treatment used in industry?

      Heat treatment is one of the only ways to improve the mechanical strength of metals, and therefore their performance. Alloys such as steel, stainless steel, aluminum, titanium and copper all have improved mechanical strength, wear resistance, seizure resistance and corrosion resistance thanks to heat treatment.

      What are the elements of heat treatment? 

      To carry out a heat treatment, we first need to take into account the part's use and the mechanical stresses it will have to withstand in its environment. Depending on these factors, the material/treatment pairing is defined.

      See all FAQs

      Do you have a question or a need?

      For all your heat treatment projects, our dedicated team is at your service.

      Contact us

      Our latest news

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