Home Sports and leisure market

Sports and leisure market

The sports and leisure sector combines a complete range of heat treatment services for industry and sports equipment. Teams and manufacturers seeking optimum performance rely on the THERMILYON Group for advanced service and support.

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Sport and leisure: mechanical strength and safety.

The sports and leisure market offers mechanical products that often involve personal safety. Quality organization and mastery of production and inspection processes are key features of this market.

Each part, often unique and designed for peak performance, requires impeccable precision and processing quality to meet stringent standards. Our expertise in heat treatment guarantees consistent quality and optimum responsiveness to meet the urgent demands of the industry.


production facilities for the sports and leisure market


families of materials used (steels, aluminum, titanium)


number of parts processed

Solutions for the sports and leisure market

In order to meet the demands of the market, Thermi Lyon offers the following:

Heat treatment
Heat treatment
parts partially coated with platin vacuum coating
Vacuum deposition
Vacuum deposition

Market characteristics

The sports and leisure market requires specific treatments on light alloys with high productivity.

Searching for lightness

Specific heat treatment of light-alloy parts is essential. Many items, such as carabiners, flanges and ski bindings, are made from aluminum alloys. Our heat treatment facilities are specially designed to guarantee temperature homogeneity of ±3°C for tempering and optimized transfer speed in the water tank, ensuring consistent quality and performance.

Vacuum deposits

We offer alternative solutions to hard chrome and anodizing, providing wear resistance, corrosion resistance and decorative properties. These vacuum deposits improve not only the durability of sports equipment but also its aesthetics, meeting the high demands of the sports and leisure market.


We are structured to respond to seasonal demand, efficiently processing both prototype and production parts. Our commitment to reliability and safety is reinforced by close cooperation with design offices, guaranteeing heat treatment solutions tailored to the specific needs of the sports and leisure sector.

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Our FAQs

What is vacuum deposition?

Vacuum deposition is a surface treatment used to deposit a material or alloy on a mechanical part.

The use of vacuum technology ensures a perfectly clean, non-polluting process.

It is not subject to REACH legislation.

What are the advantages of PVD technology?

This process greatly increases resistance to wear, abrasion, friction and corrosion. As a result, component life is greatly extended.

Standard thicknesses are of the order of 3µm and deposition is carried out on finished parts.

What's the difference between PVD and PACVD?

PVD is physical vapor deposition. The element to be deposited is obtained by evaporation or sputtering via a physical process. PACVD is plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition. The element to be deposited is obtained from chemical reactions. Plasma enables this chemical reaction to take place at lower temperatures.

What are the industrial applications of vacuum deposition?

Vacuum deposits are classified into several categories: anti-wear, friction, decorative and biocompatibility. The applications are therefore very varied: automotive components, aerospace, tooling, cutting tools, medical devices, decorative parts...

How do I choose the right deposit method?

The deposition method depends above all on the nature of the coating to be deposited and the substrate.

If the substrate cannot be heated to high temperature, the deposition must be carried out using low-temperature technology.

If the coating to be deposited consists of a solid element (metal or graphite target), a physical process such as PVD is used. If the coating consists of a gas or liquid, a chemical process such as CVD or PACVD is used.

What is the purpose of case-hardening? 

Incorporate carbon below the surface of the steel part to improve fatigue and wear resistance on the surface, while maintaining good core mechanical properties.

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