Home Low-pressure carburizing


Objective: optimize the characteristics of case-hardened layers with gas (or oil) quenching for perfectly clean parts.

Low-pressure carburizing is an advanced form of heat treatment used to improve the surface hardness of metals while preserving the core toughness characteristics of steel. This method is distinguished by the fact that it is carried out in a vacuum furnace, optimizing the use of a controlled flow of carbon in a specifically adapted atmosphere. Unlike traditional gas carburizing, it is carried out under reduced pressure, giving greater control over the final properties of the treated layer.

vacuum furnace at the thermi-lyon plant

The case-hardening stages of our group

The carburizing cycle is precisely determined using software that takes into account the grade of steel to be treated, the desired depth, and the geometry of the parts.

This rigorous process is followed in our state-of-the-art facility to ensure optimum quality and reproducibility.

Chamber vacuuming

Air is extracted from the furnace chamber to a pressure of less than 0.01 mbar, creating an ideal environment for precise carburizing.


Heating is carried out under vacuum by radiation, with uniform temperature steps up to case-hardening temperatures of over 1000°C. For the most modern furnace technologies, convection heating up to 750°C is possible.

Gas injection

An acetylene-based gas mixture is injected under partial pressure and with controlled mass flows to promote homogeneous carburization.

Case hardening sequence

Parts undergo a series of carburizing and diffusion sequences to achieve the desired depth and hardness profile.


Once the required case hardening depth has been reached, the parts can be quenched directly, or cooled slowly if further machining is required prior to quenching. Hardening can be carried out in oil or pressurized neutral gas, depending on application specifications.

    Features and benefits

    High quality

    The resulting case-hardened layer is of very high metallurgical quality, with a fine structure and no carbides or internal oxidation.


    Case-hardening offers remarkable uniformity from part to part and on complex shapes.

    Excellent reproducibility

    The precision of the process guarantees excellent load-to-load reproducibility.

    Limited deformation

    Combined with neutral gas quenching, parts deformation is minimized thanks to rigorous cycle control.

    Cleanliness of parts

    Combined with neutral gas quenching, this ensures not only excellent surface quality, but also cleanliness of treated parts.

    Treatment depth

    The use of vacuum furnaces enables us to work at high temperatures, optimizing process depth and profitability.

    Information to be communicated for study or order

    Information to be communicated :

    - Drawing of the part, weight, number of parts per shipment and per month.
    - Nature of the metal. Preferred AFNOR (or commercial) designation.
    - Type of treatment: case-hardening or carbonitriding.
    - Conventional depth and surface hardness (core hardness results from steel grade).
    - Areas to be protected, areas to be case-hardened (to be shown on drawing). Information to be supplied (for study or order)
    - Deformation tolerance (with possible straightening) and allowance for finish machining.

    Ask for a quote

    Additional information on low-pressure carburizing from the ThermiLyon group

    At Groupe ThermiLyon, the low-pressure carburizing process is designed to meet the highest market standards, particularly in demanding sectors such as automotive and aerospace. This innovative method guarantees superior mechanical strength and extended service life for treated components, while maintaining a clean working environment thanks to the use of advanced vacuum techniques.

    Groupe ThermiLyon sites use high-tech furnaces to achieve homogeneous carburizing on a variety of metallic materials, including stainless steel. Precise vacuum control and accurate temperature regulation ensure optimum diffusion of carbon on the surface of parts, while preserving the integrity of their chemical composition.

    This technique, carried out in our specialized industrial facilities, not only improves the wear resistance of components but also optimizes their performance under severe operating conditions. Low-pressure carburizing is therefore a preferred choice for companies looking for an efficient, cost-effective solution to enhance the quality of their metallurgical products.

    Depending on part type and series size, Groupe ThermiLyon is equipped with single- or multi-chamber furnaces for greater productivity.

    Our mastery of vacuum quenching in oil or gas enables us to use a wide range of alloy and stainless steels.

    business sectors concerned

    As this is a case-hardening process, it can be used for all mechanical parts subject to fatigue and friction. However, the high quality of the layer obtained leads us to recommend this process for so-called high-performance parts requiring strict metallurgical characteristics.

    Our various documentations

    Heat treatment white paper

    Low-pressure carburizing - Thermi-Lyon

    See all our documentation

    Our FAQs

    What is the purpose of case-hardening? 

    Incorporate carbon below the surface of the steel part to improve fatigue and wear resistance on the surface, while maintaining good core mechanical properties.

    How does low-pressure carburizing differ from traditional carburizing?

    Low-pressure carburizing uses furnaces with electric heating, very small quantities of carburizing gas and often neutral gas cooling. Traditional carburizing uses furnaces with gas heating, an atmospheric pressure carburizing atmosphere and oil quenching.

    What advantages does low-pressure carburizing offer for industries such as the automotive industry?

    Cleanliness and a lower level of deformation enable us to make financial savings by eliminating the need for subsequent washing or sandblasting operations, and by reducing the number of repeat machining operations.

    Why are vacuum furnaces used in low-pressure carburizing? 

    Vacuum furnaces guarantee the absence of air, and therefore oxygen, in the furnace. So there is no oxidation. What's more, the low-pressure carburizing process operates at a very low pressure compared with atmospheric pressure, hence the use of vacuum pumps to reach this pressure level.

    What types of parts are typically processed by low-pressure carburizing at Thermi Lyon?

    Parts requiring a high degree of cleanliness (e.g. holes, bores, finished parts), highly machined parts sensitive to deformation, stainless steel parts, etc.

    See all FAQs

    Do you have a question or a need?

    Our dedicated team will get back to you.

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