THERMI®-SP brochure
Découvrez THERMI®-SP, une avancée importante dans le traitement thermochimique des aciers inoxydables et super alliages. Ce traitement à basse température (< 500 °C) offre un durcissement superficiel sans compromettre la résistance à la corrosion, adapté pour une large gamme d’applications industrielles mais aussi médicales.
The benefits of Thermi-SP treatment
THERMI®-SP is a heat treatment which significantly increases the hardness of treated surfaces, reaching hardnesses of 900 to 1400 HV. It improves resistance to seizure and wear, and maintains optimum friction properties without affecting the part's original roughness or color.
This treatment is particularly well-suited to stainless steel automotive components such as gasoline and diesel injection systems and turbos.
Meeting the stringent standards of the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), this treatment is ideal for applications where safety and performance are critical, such as in the medical and food sectors.
Thermi-SP applications and installation
THERMI®-SP is applied via a process similar to plasma-assisted gas nitriding, effectively treating parts with complex geometries and large dimensions. This treatment can be used as an undercoat prior to vacuum coating, ensuring exceptional homogeneity even for larger parts. Mainly used in industries such asaerospace,automotive, chemicals and stainless steel fasteners, THERMI®-SP ensures enhanced durability and performance for critical components.
Further information
With THERMI®-SP, you benefit from advanced technology that guarantees superior quality and durability for your stainless steel and superalloy parts. To find out more, download our detailed documentation just above!
Other resources to help you with your project:
- Guide to the different types of stainless steel
- Alternatives to hard chrome
- Improving the durability of parts